About Us
Avalerion is a guild of progression raiders who no longer have the time to raid hardcore progression hours but still wish to raid with skilled players. Our goal is to have the best progression we can achieve, whilst maintaining our limited raid hours.
Raiding times:
Wednesday: 20:30 - 23:30
Sunday: 20:30 - 23:30
We are not a fake two day a week guild, we only ever raid two days a week even during progression.
Avalerion was originally formed at the start of WotLK as a four night a week guild, for the entire of Wrath and Cata the guild consistently raided 25man four nights a week. During early MoP the guild switched to 10man and a two nights a week raiding schedule. Since then it has consistently cleared every tier on the hardest difficulty raiding only six hours a week. The guild is constantly striving to improve and this can be seen in our progression rankings since becoming a two night a week guild, including several Hall of Fame achievements and Cutting Edge in every single raid instance.
Avalerion has always emphasised the importance of drama free, fun raids with good progression so it is important that new players need to fit into the team and share its goals. This has led to a very stable guild with over half the team being here for 5 years or longer.
We are always interested in exceptionally skilled players of any class/spec, so even if you don't see your class/spec open for recruitment above but feel that Avalerion would be the right guild for you then don't hesitate to send your application to us.
For more information feel free to can contact an officer in game with any questions you have (Sheday, Kormash, Miraclous, Valredyl, Tute)